Sunday, March 22, 2009

Over a month!

Where the heck have I been! And what have I been doing?? Well I have a lil down time while my client is resting so I am typing this from my blueberry! That's what I call it. Well one story I have is my humiliation at Target thanks to my precious 2 year old! First off he was being bad the whole time! He woke up tooo early! So I'm having to hold him while I push brogy, and we get out to the car and I'm parked by the curb. There's all these high school kids hanging out in the parking lot. So I push the cart against the front of my car while I put brogy in. I can see slade trying to rock the cart so I tell him to stop or he's gonna fall out! Well he doesn't and the cart crashes off the curb and all my stuff is all over the parking lot. He's screaming, all these kids are laughing. I'm dying. I go put him in and roll his window down (AC is out in tahoe) and he spot a HS girl and instantly stops crying and starts making eyes at this girl! I went like one week without working, then this week I worked 4 16s. I got called off it because I closed my eyes for a few mins and got snitched on. And no I didn't get fired! I actually did what I was supposed to be doing. Next week looks pretty busy too. I have actually compiled a chronological list of purchases I would like to make with my extra income. New bunks for the boys is one of the top ones. There's actually one I'm looking at that a bunk plus trundle! That would be perfect! Update on my backover...the case was closed because the guy gave nme false insurance info! Yes! All of you probably know already how my blueberry got stolen a week after I got it! My mom and I and spring were at frys. Actually it was friday the 13th! Well while I was loading my groceries someone took it out the top of my cart. Before I even pulled out I realized it was gone. We searched the carts and everything. I try to call to get it disconnected and it says they're not open. I have my camera on the phone set up to send any new pics to my email. Well at midnight I finally get thru and get it shutoff, go to check my email before bed and at 1145pm a pic had come thru! It was of a back room and some chemicals and stuff. At this point I'm very angry and frys was under construction, so they had closed at me and karen go down and question everyone working. Nothing! So the next day I go in, talk to the mgr. Well on tues they had recovered my phone. It was stolen by a construction worker. He took my sim card, but I was so grateful to have it back! And the foreman gave me a $50 frys gift card. I am going in on the 31st for an upper endoscopy. Hopefully something will come out of it! And brogy is crawling now! And to my blogger friends I tried to comment you but I don't think it worked from my berry!