Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year! Grammy asked me yesterday if I was gonna party today, and I laughed. I totally forgot it was new years! I think the most partying I will do is on the wii. LOL.

We all had a great Christmas!! We spent Christmas Eve evening with Aunt Lori and Uncle Ray.

Christmas Morning from Santa

Thomas the Train he told Santa he wanted 100x

He can cruise the neighborhood too

Pink flat screen with rhinestones. Maybe next year Santa will bring me one too!!

Brogan was zzzz

He's up now!

After our Christmas we went to Gma Kathy's. I got Price is right for wii, and the pink sleeve and yoga mat for my wii fit from doy. I know you want to come play!! Grammy got married the day after cmas. Spring was the flower girl.

Grammy, Aunt Gin, Aunt Nikki, Spring

Since cmas I have just been trying to organize this mess of toys! I should probably write Santa a letter for next year to tell him there will not be room for anymore toys here next year! well unless he brings a bigger house! lol. Still job hunting... still playing my powerball numbers...

I baked for all my friends and family for cmas, and I made these out of a new cookbook my gma got me "Bake Sale". They are mini kiss something. They were the cutest things EVER!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holiday fun!

These are the boots Aiden lived in! Now little sladey can enjoy them!

We hosted a kids Christmas party for the cousins on Saturday. Including a gift exchange, gingerbread houses, sugar cookie decorating, hot chocolate. I think we will host one next year for cousins and friends. Even though theres um like 13 or 14 cousins. lol.

I finally did pics today! Afterwards we went to see Santa.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Getting Motivated!

I have spent the past hour doing online apps. Now I need to go do some laundry!

I just watched this video online the other day that was on my aol screen that I wanted to share. It was how to save a wet phone! I have lost at least 10 phones to my wonderful toddler! I wish I would have seen that earlier!! Well I guess when you salvage it your supposed to remove the battery, and put the phone and battery in a container of rice!! It will absorb it, and within a couple days it should be good! WOW!!
Baby Brogy. These were Slade's shoes. I love hand me downs. Slade was wearing Aiden's old rain boots yesterday. When Aiden was his age he would not part with those boots! he even wore them in the summer!

All jumped out!

Spring's tree for school I helped her with. Doy called it the stripper tree!
Happy Birthday Jesus!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I forgot!

After my downer blog yesterday I totally forgot that I had some GOOD news to post! oh not that I'm pregnant again. LOL

1) I passed my state board!! CNA world here i come!!
2) I won a $25 Target gift card at the PTO meeting!
3) I got out of a traffic ticket!!! (we won't go into detail on that one)

So I'm thinking my lottery winning day may come soon. I have been playing the same numbers for over 2 years now! I won't give up hope!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A thought before bed

I am sooo tired, but I really want to write a couple things before I zzz. First... I spent the day in the company of a long lost person in my life who has recently relocated down here. Someone I won't name, but hopefully you will get who I'm talking about. Every since she got here she has been stuck on how she left this item at her old place. or this item there. Even though she has a "new" very nice place, with all new things, somehow it isn't good enough, and she insists she is just so unhappy, has no "friends" etc. Besides the fact that me and my 4 kids are here, that doesn't matter. So after hearing dwelling from the past (say at least 10 years) I tell her to quit. and that she needs to start taking anti-depressants because everything she says is negative or pessimistic. She replies that she can be if she wants. and that she has nothing... (Gasp) are you friggin kidding me?? no really! I tell her that she's alive. and knowing what she's been through I would partly consider that a miracle! I don't get it. She otherwise seems happy, but seems at the same time that she is trying extremely hard to "act" angry. I will never be this... I will never be this... I will never be this... I will be there 100% for my kids, be their mom, eventually be a grandma. and I will love it. Every minute of it, and I will NEVER make them feel like I don't.

Secondly, when I went to wal-mart tonight they had a whole tree of gifts to buy for CPS kids. Just reading the tree broke my heart. I could never imagine these kids who have nothing. They don't have parents or family. I thought I had to worry about my kids' Christmas, which is never lacking, but man that really put my day into perspective for a minute! Well its 12 am so I should probably get to bed. Happy Birthday Doyle!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dr. Appointments

Aiden went in yesterday to the gastro Dr, and they called me in the afternoon to tell me that he has stool all the way into his colon. We are going to start stool softeners and re-check it in a month. I went in to the neurologist this morning for a follow-up, and he said my diagnosis was paroxysmal hemicrania. I know... what is this?? Here's one page I found about it

I will be taking a medication 2x a day to see if the symptoms resolved. The next two things he said were very ironic. He said from the MRI he could see that my neck was backwards. He said that was probably causing the muscle spasms because of the tension on the muscles. And that is what I'm already going to the chiropractor for! He said that was good! He also said my blood work came back as AA which means I have rheumatoid issues, such as arthritis. I have had leg pain for years, and most recently started having pain in my forearms and hands. I told Doyle this a few weeks ago when I was leaving for my clinical and he told me to quit being a baby. I thought then that I might have arthritis, but never asked my Dr about it.

Well I take my state board in a few days, so I vow not to worry about housework til I pass thing dang thing!!! I DO NOT want to have to re-take it!! and pay $85 again!! haha