Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Getting Motivated

I was just sitting here watching Slade play out back, and Cesar (the chihuahua) just walking behind him. They are so cute! It's something new everyday that just brings a smile to my face, just little things in life!

Well, after printing out 500 pics that had been sitting digitally on my computer, I am feeling very anxious to start Brogan's scrapbook!! I only have one problem... Slade! He loves to get into my scrapbooking stuff! Hopefully by the end of the week I will start it!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I've always thought that the way life goes is kinda backwards! You spend all your time working while your kids are growing up, then when they move out and you retire you have nothing to do! It should be the other way around! I wish that all I did all day was play with the kids! But I stop cleaning or whatever task I'm doing for one day and it's like a tornado went thru!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sladie Undies

Today I was sorting laundry and Slade took off his diaper and wanted to wear Aiden's undies. So I put some small ones on him, and he went into the bathroom and lifted the lid and tried to potty! Hopefully we will get somewhere with this!! And here's his hair :-(.

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Why don't I leave it to the professionals??

I cut Slade's hair today... this time with the buzzers. or whatever it's called! The #6 was barely cutting any off! So I went down to #4 and now he has no hair! Sorry Slade!!

Dustin was down here for his race this weekend. He didn't make it past practice tho! He crashed and hurt his foot AGAIN! He did the same thing exactly a year ago at the same race! So he headed home this morning.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Brogan 3 Months

Brogan went in for his check-up today! And he had to get 4 shots :-(. He now weighs 13 pounds 15oz. He's in the 50th % for weight, 75th % for height, and 75th % for his head.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Hair

I cut off 10 pounds of my hair today I think. Well, I didn't, Tara did. I really need something EASY, since nothing else in my daily life is! Everything is impossible to keep up with. I'm not really mad, I'm just tired, but I wanted to post a pic. I like it, no one else has even said anything about it. You know one thing that I have been thinking about is how I just watched that show Supernanny. Well, this girl had 7 kids in 8 years!! She's 28!! But, she weighed like 100 pounds and had these huge boobs. How the F does she have that many kids and look like that! I only had 4 and I feel like I'm going to be overweight for life. But at the same time I wonder if my weight is really that depressing. I mean hello I have 4 BEAUTIFUL babies, and so I guess it's ok to be fat. For now. Til I have time not to be! But I hope that will be soon! Oh and Aiden scored 4 goals at his game today!! Yay for Aiden!

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Slade is a big boy!

Slade learned to get out if his crib yesterday! So he is using Aiden's old Racecar bed now! He was so excited, he kept saying car car car. He's saying so many words now! Here's a pic of him napping. Next challenge... Potty Training!

Pics of Brogan. He's 3 months now!
Staying awake didn't last long....
Slade's big brown eyes. Just like mommy!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

So Cute!

I got my finished project of the Mommy Calling Card from Lynn, of Lynn Bradshaw Photography and so I wanted to post it up! You can purchase the card in jpeg format to print out at home!

All you "mommy's" should order one!!

These boys will get the best of me!

Writing stuff down is supposed to make you feel better right? Can it at least make this migraine disappear!

I subscribe to Parenting magazine, which I love! and so I was going to enter the photo contest. Well to submit it online they have to be ginormous! So big my computer was getting froze everytime I tried to resize one! So while I was doing this, or at least trying, Slade decided to take his diaper off, poop on the tile, then smear it ALL OVER his body. Then he got on his spider man car and rode into my room! OMG! I was ready to puke!!!! Needless to say, I couldn't get the images big enough anyways, so I'm just gonna get them printed and mail them in! So with help from Ash and Laurie, these are the picks! You can only enter 5!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Man! I feel lately like I can never keep up with everything! Aiden started soccer now, he had his first game Saturday! Spring got voted for student council. So anyways I was walking out of Staples on Friday and a mouse ran in front of me! OMG!!! Soooo scary!! I wanted to share a picture of Aiden's writing skills... on my kitchen table!

Here are some pics from his first game.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Now a member!

Well I see people always have these blogger things! and I really enjoy reading true stories, so I figured I better get on the ball! Plus, with 4 kids there's always something to write about!!