Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My knee...

Sigh... is KILLING ME!!! What the heck! I keep waking up on random mornings to my knee sort of stuck at a 90 degree angle! I try to walk and it just goes pop pop pop. and hurts. So after dealing with the pain all day, now my entire leg hurts, from buttocks down. Like a dead leg. GAH! I finally worked a few days!! Woo hoo!! I really liked it! I wish I could work more! As I was telling my friend today, I need more work! That maybe I should post myself on craigslist. HAHA. We decided against that... they might be searching for a different type of nursing services that I don't offer. LOL. Well at least my 6 months experience is being well spent working a couple days a month. LOL. My valentines was good! Very kick back! Doy got me roses and a Godiva gift card. yay!! and yum! My love to him was him beloved Sees milk pattys that I stood in line for an hour for with the little boys! Oh yeah that was an eventful day for me, Friday the 13th. First I got my hair cut. I did an A line to about my chin. I really like it! I am growing out the color, so my goal was to lessen the appearance of my roots, and not looking so white trash-ish. HAHA. So I go to sees, and working there was a lady I worked with at Toyota! Weird huh! So then later I stop by Safeway and see a guy I went to HS with! Weird again! So later that night I go to Frys and see a guy I worked with at Toyota! OMG! What the heck!!! On that same day Aiden's teacher returned my call about a ticket he had received, that I didn't understand. I guess they were at recess which follows lunch, and he had went thru the bathroom back into the cafeteria to search for his friend. Then he says he "got busted". So I guess it wasn't that bad of a ticket?? So anyways she wanted to tell me how sweet he is, and how he gave a valentine to the principal, then gave his teacher 2. She said Aiden you already gave me one? So he takes her behind the desk and points to the picture of her husband and says one is for him. Aww. So sweet! When I took them to buy their valentines he wanted to get this sugar formed apple heart with a worm in the middle for his teacher, and I said how about a box of candy for 99cents? He said ok and picked one with a dog. So I head out of the valentine area and he says wait wait! I want that heart instead. It was a BIG pink one. I said Aiden its not 99cents. He says ok. He was satisfied with the small dog heart. I started getting organizing impulses this week! I still feel the need to scrapbook! I spent 8 hours organizing all my kitchen cabinets. Its like Christmas I'm telling you! You find stuff you forgot you even had! We are leaving Friday to Pinetop. I won a free photoshoot with the photographer who did my maternity pics (with Slade). Wendy Newman photography. Its gonna be brrr! but fun!!! One more off subject thing I've been wanting to add and keep forgetting, Thank you to my blogger friend for writing about it and reminding me. I agree that judgement is easily handed out, but not equally taken. I think it is very easy to pass judgement on people and situations. I don't think it's right tho unless you have 100% been in that same exact place, and I dont think anyone can say that they were. So with that being said I will end this blog!

Monday, February 2, 2009


I am having a list day. Where I have multiple list going of things I need to do, things I need to buy etc. Now I am really wanting to finish working on Brogan's scrapbook. I have lots of pages done, but of course there's always more! I think my yard sale went well this weekend! The girls did very well on their bake sale! Everything was a hit! The boys have both been without binkys for a few weeks now. The first day was hard, but after that was a breeze! The little boys just went in for their well checks. Tall! They're both in the 70th% for their height, and I think Brogy was a little chubby. lol. Poor ol Aiden still in the 20th% for height. I might have a client starting this week! yay! Although I was kind of enjoying staying home everyday and being a Certified nursing assist. I have had very good scratcher luck lately! I might be an addict haha jk! I bought a $5 Blackout bingo, won $50, so I bought a $20, and won $20. This week I bought good ol $5 Bingo and won $10, bought a $10 VIP Vegas, won $30! Score! Brogan has 2 top teeth coming in! Big ones! To add to the 2 bottom! I tried taking like 50 pics to get the teeth cause theyre so cute, til Doy started yelling at me that I was blinding him!!
The workers!

He was wearing a tag that said Hi I'm Aiden. So cute!

My #1 non-paying customer!

Slade gave him a bite...

At the races