Monday, January 26, 2009

Dear Blog,

Sorry I have abandoned you for this many days! LOL. I was in Cali last weekend. Had a great time! My rental ended up being a Chevy HHR. OMG! How do you think I felt driving around Beverly Hills in that thing. My hand was casually next to my face. It was great! lol. Although I was really loving the 22mpg!! Bailey's Birthday was tons of fun! Well at least to me! lol. We made the most adorable cupcake stand. I did the cupcakes and giant cupcake cake for ms. bailey! I got her the 1st Bday tutu. It didn't last long... so cute!

Last week Brogy was sick. His Dr was full so I took him to the ped urgent care. He had Bronchiolitis, so they sent me home with a breathing machine. On Fri I took him to his Dr, and he had a full blown ear infection! So now antibiotics and breathing treatments. He's taken it like a trooper! Still smiling at mommy all day!
We went out to Dust's race yesterday. He broke his bike so he couldn't finish, but I did fall down a hill. We were standing up on a hill watching, and Slade took off towards the track so I ran down to get him and halfway down I fell. Flat on my face. LOL.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sigh... of relief!

Well as of my last post my outlook is a little brighter! The same day I posted that I got a message from above, a job interview! Yay!! I am prospectively starting training next week. I think the job fits me well, having my mini farm. It is a case by case basis. and I'm not obligated to take the cases. and there will be possible mini vacations in between. sounds great! I am getting sooo excited about my trip on Friday. It's is girls only, so all the boys get to stay with dad. Here is a question to throw out there, how do I break Slade of the binky while Brogan uses a binky and Slade just steals his! I give up. The second I turn my head, out of brogans mouth it goes. I remember now why the first 3 are all 3 years apart. I didn't face these sorts of scenarios! You take what life gives you I suppose. Another thing I don't understand is why Slade feels the need to bully Brogan ALL DAY! I put him on the floor to play, Slade sits on top of him or hits him in the head with toys, or takes all the toys away. I put him in the swing, Slade throws him out or gets in there with him! I put him in the jumperoo, Slade gets in there too! and gets stuck! I put him in his crib to zzz, Slade gets in it and wakes him up! Brogy has gotten to the point now that he will wail, I pick him up, he latches onto me for dear life, then looks around for Slade! poor baby!! I still think I want one more, but mark my words it wont be until brogy is 5!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Losing hope...

Man getting a job has never been this challenging for me!! It's actually getting to be depressing being rejected for lack of experience. It's one big circle!! Of course I have experience! I've been taking care of people for the past 8 years!! I just haven't got paid for it! lol. I find myself wandering off on to other job postings that I have tons of experience in! But then I veer back!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cheers to a New Year!

Change. That's what I think 2009 will bring. and change is usually good. Fresh. Still applying, still in this no experience cycle. I'm sure it will end. Soon I hope. So I will be road tripping in 2 weeks to go see one of my bestest friends in Cali, and celebrate her baby girls 1st birthday! and I am getting scared now because of the fact that I have had 2 people drive straight towards me, on my side of the road, within the past week!!! What is going on!!! One more thing that I know your interested to know is that I have finally taken my cocomotion machine out of the cupboard and have been enjoying it on a nightly basis! I love that thing!!! I prefer milk, but my stomach can't handle it! I'm going to the gastro on the 12th! I finally put batteries in my wii fit, and the pink cover. I hadn't been on in 70 days. :-/. But I had lost 5.5 lbs! Whoa! I didn't even know! Hopefully some of baby brogan (and part of Slade) will start shedding!